Memorize Tool

For two years of my life, I took a break from the tech world and attended a Bible Truth and Church Service Training school. As in all schools, learning and memorization were required. In this school we were primarily memorizing Bible verses and outlines, so I made a tiny Javscript tool to do that for me. It’s purely in the browser, written with Vue.js

memorize tool

Nothing ground breaking here, but it was useful to me.


  1. Randomly hide portions of text
  2. Difficulty slider
  3. Optionally include the verse portion of an outline to be included in what is hidden
  4. Hold ‘Space’ to briefly show answer, or press ‘v’ to toggle answer

Tech stack

  1. Frontend: Vue.js


None! I kept it simple, it served its purpose, and I archived it for the next time I need to memorize something.